One Suggestion to perfect an awesome game
This game is really hard only because of one thing: Those dang window jumps.
If I had one request, it would be an indicator on the right-hand side of the screen that indicates the location of an approaching window. Even just an arrow that shows up when you get on the building immediately before a window building. This may or may not be possible, though, depending on how many buildings ahead the game is.
But if you could worm that in, I would be more than happy to 10/10 this, 5 it, and add it to my favorites. I really just want to be able to play it LONGER. But the windows kind of hinder that.
I have tried the trip trick, too, but it's the window locations that are the trickiest part rather than the speed. I can keep up with the speed and velocity, but not split-second accuracy on top. Lots of people seem to have this problem.
but hey, it's still an awesome game. keep it up.